TD Bank is encouraging its business customers to do their part in preventing
fraud by being smart money managers.

"We understand there's a lot of crime happening out there. We just wanted to
create awareness," said Celeste Donovan, TD Bank's vice president of cash
management and district manager. "We feel like it's our responsibility."

A nationwide increase in fraud prompted the bank to host a seminar Monday at
the University of Southern Maine. There was a 22 percent increase in Internet
crime in 2009, up roughly 6,200 incidents from 2008, according to the Internet
Crime Complaint Center. At Monday's seminar were about 60 people, most with
commercial or small-business accounts with TD Bank. Internet fraud was a
particular concern.

"Any time we're moving money, there's going to be people trying to steal
money," said Sean Carter, senior director of education and rules development for
the New England Automated Clearing House. "It's a fact of life."

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