Приложение 1 - детектор событий
Пишется в Tools -> Remote -> Events:
;*** Channel Text Scanning ***
1:ON TEXT:*:#: {
if (%repeat.detector == On) {
if ((%no.op.kick == On) && ($nick isop $chan)) { goto shutupkick }
if (%last.msg. [ $+ [ $nick. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] ] ] == $parms) {
if (%repeat.flood.rate. [ $+ [ $nick. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] ] ] == $null) { set %repeat.flood.rate. [ $+ [ $nick. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] ] ] 0 }
inc %repeat.flood.rate. [ $+ [ $nick. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] ] ] 1
if (%repeat.flood.rate. [ $+ [ $nick. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] ] ] >= %repeat.flood.trigger) {
if (%on.repeat == Ban) { ban $chan $nick 3 }
inc %kick.counter 1
kick $chan $nick [X-Protection] Repeated %repeat.flood.trigger times in 10 secs << $+ %kick.counter $+ >>
unset %repeat.flood.rate. [ $+ [ $nick. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] ] ]
goto shutupkick
set %last.msg. [ $+ [ $nick. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] ] ] $parms
if ($nick == %shut.up.kick) {
inc %kick.counter 1
kick $chan $nick [X-Protection] Shut up kick has been enforced. << $+ %kick.counter $+ >>
if (%text.flood.protect == On) {
if ((%no.op.kick == On) && ($nick isop $chan)) { halt }
if (%text.flood.rate. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= %text.flood.trigger) { ban $chan $nick 3 | inc %kick.counter 1 | kick $chan $nick [X-Protection] Max %text.flood.trigger Lines in 10 secs Reached << $+ %kick.counter $+ >> | unset %flood.rate. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] }
inc %text.flood.rate. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1
if (%max.text.protect == On) {
if ($len($parms) >= %max.text.length) {
if ((%no.op.kick == On) && ($nick isop $chan)) { halt }
inc %kick.counter 1
ban $chan $nick 3
kick $chan $nick [X-Protection] Max Text Length %max.text.length Your's was $len($parms) characters long << $+ %kick.counter $+ >>
1:ON ACTION:*:#: {
if (%repeat.detector == On) {
if ((%no.op.kick == On) && ($nick isop $chan)) { goto shutupkick }
if (%last.msg. [ $+ [ $nick. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] ] ] == $parms) {
if (%repeat.flood.rate. [ $+ [ $nick. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] ] ] == $null) { set %repeat.flood.rate. [ $+ [ $nick. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] ] ] 0 }
inc %repeat.flood.rate. [ $+ [ $nick. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] ] ] 1
if (%repeat.flood.rate. [ $+ [ $nick. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] ] ] >= %repeat.flood.trigger) {
if (%on.repeat == Ban) { ban $chan $nick 3 }
inc %kick.counter 1
kick $chan $nick [X-Protection] Repeated %repeat.flood.trigger times in 10 secs << $+ %kick.counter $+ >>
unset %repeat.flood.rate. [ $+ [ $nick. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] ] ]
goto shutupkick
set %last.msg. [ $+ [ $nick. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] ] ] $parms
if ($nick == %shut.up.kick) {
inc %kick.counter 1
kick $chan $nick [X-Protection] Shut up kick has been enforced. << $+ %kick.counter $+ >>
if (%text.flood.protect == On) {
if ((%no.op.kick == On) && ($nick isop $chan)) { halt }
if (%text.flood.rate. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= %text.flood.trigger) { ban $chan $nick 3 | inc %kick.counter 1 | kick $chan $nick [X-Protection] Max %text.flood.trigger Lines in 10 secs Reached << $+ %kick.counter $+ >> | unset %flood.rate. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] }
inc %text.flood.rate. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1
if (%max.text.protect == On) {
if ($len($parms) >= %max.text.length) {
if ((%no.op.kick == On) && ($nick isop $chan)) { halt }
inc %kick.counter 1
ban $chan $nick 3
kick $chan $nick [X-Protection] Max Text Length %max.text.length Your's was $len($parms) characters long << $+ %kick.counter $+ >>
;*** Nick Scanning Routines ***
1:ON NICK: {
if ($nick == %shut.up.kick) { shutupkick $newnick }
if (%nick.flood.protect == On) {
if (%nick.flood.rate. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == $null) { set %nick.flood.rate. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 0 }
set %nick.flood.rate. [ $+ [ $newnick ] ] %nick.flood.rate. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
inc %nick.flood.rate. [ $+ [ $newnick ] ] 1
unset %nick.flood.rate. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
if (%nick.flood.rate. [ $+ [ $newnick ] ] >= %nick.flood.trigger) { nickflood $newnick }
if (%vulgar.nick.kick == On) {
if (shit isin $newnick) { vulgarnick $newnick }
if (cunt isin $newnick) { vulgarnick $newnick }
if (fuck isin $newnick) { vulgarnick $newnick }
if (bitch isin $newnick) { vulgarnick $newnick }
if (dickhead isin $newnick) { vulgarnick $newnick }
if (pussy isin $newnick) { vulgarnick $newnick }
;*** Join Scanning Routines ***
1:ON JOIN:#: {
if (%anti.sex.channel == On) {
whois $nick
if (%join.flood.protect == On) {
if (%join.flood.rate. [ $+ [ $nick [ $+ [$chan ] ] ] ] == $null) { set %join.flood.rate. [ $+ [ $nick [ $+ [$chan ] ] ] ] 0 }
inc %join.flood.rate. [ $+ [ $nick. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] ] ] 1
if (%join.flood.rate. [ $+ [ $nick. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] ] ] >= %join.flood.trigger) {
inc %kick.counter 1
ban $chan $nick 3
kick $chan $nick [X-Protection] Revolving Door. Max %join.flood.trigger joins in 10 secs << $+ %kick.counter $+ >>
if (%vulgar.nick.kick == On) {
if (shit isin $nick) { mode $chan +b $nick | inc %kick.counter 1 | kick $chan $nick [X-Protection] Vulgar Nick - Change it << $+ %kick.counter $+ >> }
if (cunt isin $nick) { mode $chan +b $nick | inc %kick.counter 1 | kick $chan $nick [X-Protection] Vulgar Nick - Change it << $+ %kick.counter $+ >> }
if (bitch isin $nick) { mode $chan +b $nick | inc %kick.counter 1 | kick $chan $nick [X-Protection] Vulgar Nick - Change it << $+ %kick.counter $+ >> }
if (fuck isin $nick) { mode $chan +b $nick | inc %kick.counter 1 | kick $chan $nick [X-Protection] Vulgar Nick - Change it << $+ %kick.counter $+ >> }
if (dickhead isin $nick) { mode $chan +b $nick | inc %kick.counter 1 | kick $chan $nick [X-Protection] Vulgar Nick - Change it << $+ %kick.counter $+ >> }
if (pussy isin $nick) { mode $chan +b $nick | inc %kick.counter 1 | kick $chan $nick [X-Protection] Vulgar Nick - Change it << $+ %kick.counter $+ >> }
1:ON KICK:#: {
if ($knick == $me) { kick $chan $nick Bitch }
if (%revenge == On) {
if ($knick == $me) { auser =999 $nick | guser =999 $nick 3 }
В принципе все должно быть понятно %), но если не все понятно, вот несколько подсказок:
- значок % означает переменную в памяти
- $chan, $nick, $parms и т.п. - служебные переменные
- ==, &&, >= и т.п. - логические операторы
- inc - оператор-инкремент, короче единичку прибавляет
- halt - стоп-кран 🙂
- $+ - разделитель, позволяющий собирать конструкцию
Приложение 2 - подлизанный Popups для окна статуса
Пишется в Tools -> Popups -> Status:
X-protection:/ame is using the X-Protection - http://www.xakep.ru
Channel Options
.[X-Protection] Channel Options: {
echo 2 [X-Protection] Repeat Kick is %repeat.detector set to: %on.repeat on %repeat.flood.trigger repeats
echo 2 [X-Protection] Channel Text Flood Protect is %text.flood.protect set to: max %text.flood.trigger lines in 10 secs.
echo 2 [X-Protection] Nick Flood Protection is %nick.flood.protect set to: max %nick.flood.trigger nick changes in 15 secs
echo 2 [X-Protection] Max Text Length is %max.text.protect set to: %max.text.length characters max
echo 2 [X-Protection] Join Flood Protection is %join.flood.protect set to: max %join.flood.trigger joins in 10 secs
echo 2 [X-Protection] Vulgar Nick Kick is %vulgar.nick.kick
.Repeat Protection
...On:/set %repeat.flood.trigger $$?="Max Repeats in 10 secs:" | /.timer102 0 10 /unset %repeat.flood.rate* | /set %repeat.detector On | /set %on.repeat Kick | /echo 2 [X-Protection] Repeat Detector On set to %on.repeat on %repeat.flood.trigger repeats.
...Off:/set %repeat.detector Off | /echo 2 [X-Protection] Repeat Detector Off
...On:/set %repeat.flood.trigger $$?="Max Repeats in 10 secs:" | /.timer102 0 10 /unset %repeat.flood.rate* | /set %repeat.detector On | /set %on.repeat Ban | /echo 2 [X-Protection] Repeat Detector On set to Ban on %repeat.flood.trigger repeats.
...Off:/set %repeat.detector Off | /echo 2 [X-Protection] Repeat Detector Off
.Text Flood Protection
..On:/set %text.flood.trigger $$?="Max Lines Allowed in 10 secs:" | /.timer100 0 10 /unset %text.flood.rate* | /set %text.flood.protect On | /echo 2 [X-Protection] Text Flood Protect On set to max %text.flood.trigger lines in 10 secs.
..Off:/.timer100 off | /set %text.flood.protect Off | /echo 2 [X-Protection] Text Flood Protect Off
.Nick Flood Protection
..On:/set %nick.flood.trigger $$?="Max Nicks Allowed in 15 secs:" | /.timer101 0 15 /unset %nick.flood.rate* | /set %nick.flood.protect On | /echo 2 [X-Protection] Nick Flood Protect On set to max %nick.flood.trigger nicks in 15 secs.
..Off:/.timer101 off | /set %nick.flood.protect Off | /echo 2 [X-Protection] Nick Flood Protection Off
.Text Length Protection
..On:/set %max.text.length $$?="Max Length of Channel Text:" | /set %max.text.protect On | /echo 2 [X-Protection] Text Length Protect On set to max %max.text.length characters.
..Off:/set %max.text.protect Off | /echo 2 [X-Protection] Text Length Protect Off
.Join Flood Protection
..On:/set %join.flood.trigger $$?="Max Joins in 10 secs:" | /set %join.flood.protect On | /timer103 0 10 /unset %join.flood.rate* | /echo 2 [X-Protection] Join Flood Protection On set to max %join.flood.trigger joins in 10 secs.
..Off:/set %join.flood.protect off | /timer103 off | /echo 2 [X-Protection] Join Flood Protection Off
.Vulgar Nick Protection
..On:/set %vulgar.nick.kick On | /echo 2 [X-Protection] Vulgar Nick Kick On
..Off:/set %vulgar.nick.kick Off | /echo 2 [X-Protection] Vulgar Nick Kick Off
User Options
.[X-Protection] User Options: {
echo 2 [X-Protection] No Op Kick is %no.op.kick
echo 2 [X-Protection] Blacklist is %black.list
echo 2 [X-Protection] Auto-Op Protection is %auto.op.protect
echo 2 [X-Protection] Revenge is %revenge
.No Op Kick
..On:/set %no.op.kick On | /echo 2 [X-Protection] No Op Kick is On
..Off:/set %no.op.kick Off | /echo 2 [X-Protection] No Op Kick is Off
..On:/set %black.list On | /echo 2 [X-Protection] Blacklist is On
..Off:/set %black.list Off | /echo 2 [X-Protection] Blacklist is Off
..On:/set %auto.op.protect On | /echo 2 [X-Protection] Now Protecting and auto-oping your friends.
..Off:/set %auto.op.protect Off | /echo 2 [X-Protection] Auto-Op/Protection is now Off
..On:/set %revenge On | /echo 2 [X-Protection] Revenge Mode is On - Auto-Blacklisting Users
..Off:/set %revenge Off | /echo 2 [X-Protection] Revenge is Off
User Levels
..Add User:/set %auser $$?="Enter Nick to Blacklist:" | /auser 100 %auser | /guser 100 %auser 3
..Remove User:/set %ruser $$?="Enter Nick to Remove:" | /ruser %ruser | /ruser %ruser 3
..List:/ulist 100
..Reset:/rlevel 100
..Add User:/set %auser $$?="Enter Nick to Blacklist:" | /auser =999 %auser | /guser =999 %auser 3
..Remove User:/set %ruser $$?="Enter Nick to Remove:" | /ruser %ruser | /ruser %ruser 3
..List:/ulist =999
..Reset:/rlevel =999
.Set Away: {
if ($away == $true) { echo 4 [X-Protection] You are already marked as being away! | halt }
set %away.msg $$?="Enter Your Away Msg:" | set %away.nick $me | nick $me $+ -Away | away %away.msg | ame is away -=- %away.msg -=- since [ $+ $time] [X-Protection] | .timer800 0 300 /ame is away -=- %away.msg -=- since [ $+ $time] [X-Protection]
.Set Back: {
if ($away == $false) { echo 4 [X-Protection] You are not away! | halt }
nick %away.nick | away | ame is back! | unset %away* | .timer800 off
Kick Counter
.Echo Info:/echo 2 [X-Protection] Kick Counter: %kick.counter lamers kicked since %kick.counter.date
.Amsg Info:/amsg [X-Protection] Kick Counter: %kick.counter lamers kicked since %kick.counter.date
.Reset Counter:/set %kick.counter 0 | /set %kick.counter.date $adate | /echo 2 [X-Protection] Kick Counter Reset
Ко всему вышеперечисленному я добавил еще в менюшки вывод текущих установок, установку NoOp Kick, чтобы не задеть шальной пулей своих :), возможность через меню править списки
юзверей или полностью обнулять их.
Это естественно всего лишь "маленький" 🙂 пример, как можно использовать скрипты в своих целях, но наглядно показывающий весь процесс, а главное с конечным результатом, который может использовать каждый. Единственное данный скрипт не подойдёт пользователям Pirch, потому что там написание скрипта немного отлично от Mirc.