Adobe's Flash technology has been the target of security researchers for
several years, though often it's the Flash Player that gets the bulk of the
attention. Mike Bailey, a senior security analyst with Foreground Security, is
now turning the focus to how common programming bugs can enable Flash objects to
attack Web sites.
Surprise spam figures for Linux machines
Linux-based computers are five times more likely to send spam than Windows PCs, relative … -
Teardown puts iPhone 4 hardware cost at $187
Though hardware costs for the iPhone 4 have risen slightly, Apple is still expected to ma… -
Gartner Urges Smarter, Not Pricier, Security
With corporate budgets still reeling from the economic downturn of 2008 and 2009, a senio… -
LoveBug – the worm that changed the IT security landscape – is ten years old today
Today is the tenth anniversary of the LoveBug worm, which was arguably the first malware … -
Ex-Hacker Adrian Lamo Tells Us the AT&T iPad Email Leak is Overblown
Ex-hacker and alleged "war crimes collaborator" Adrian Lamo has garnered a grea… -
Phone pranks: hacker’s approach to IP-telephony
The Clickatel service (a service that allows SMS sending from any number) seemed a real c…
Twitter Widget Flaw Provides Access to User Accounts
A widget based on Adobe's Flash Player was disabled by Twitter after a security analyst n… -
Обнаружена серьезная уязвимость в Adobe Flash
Фирма Foreground Security обнаружила критическую уязвимость в приложении Adobe Flash. Дыр… -
Attacks spread malware with help from AppleInsider
Malware purveyors are exploiting web vulnerabilities in,, new… -
Уязвимость в виджете для Twitter открывает доступ к аккаунтам пользователей
Исследователь Майк Бэйли из Foreground Security обнаружил грубую ошибку в конфигурации Tw… -
Червь, крадущий адреса электронной почты, распространяется по LiveJournal
Специалисты по безопасности блог-сервиса LiveJournal вынуждены были отключить некоторые м… -
Starry Twitter: Hacking the Stephen Fry account
Watching the feeds, one’s can often face the news that another Twitter account of some Br…