Sticking to the rules of the cat-and-mouse game between the iPhone Dev Team
and Apple, the former has been able to confirm that iPhone OS 3.1.3 IPSWs are
jailbreakable by the group’s redsn0w jailbreak tool. Supported devices currently
include the iPhone 2G (first-gen iPhones), iPhone 3G, and iPod touch 2G (second-gen
iPod touch).

“WARNING! At 10.30AM PST on February 2nd 2010 Apple released the 3.1.3
version (7E18) of the iPhoneOS,” the latest update from the infamous team of

. “If you care about your jailbreak and unlock, don’t update your
device – 3G and 3G(S) owners should pay particular attention to this warning,”
the Dev Team warns.

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