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Материалы сайта

The rise of amateur-run botnets

It used to be that cyber criminals were people with a highly technical skill set, but this is not the norm anymore. This fact became obvious some two weeks ago when news of the takedown of the Mariposa botnet and the three men behind it reached the global public.

Конвертируем RSS подписки в FB2 для чтения в дороге

Вы часто просматриваете свои RSS-подписки? Согласитесь, это отнимает некоторое количество времени. Зато, когда вы едете на работу, это же время тратится бездарно и впустую. Конечно, многие читают электронные книги и журналы – это делает время в транспорте осмысленным

Антенна для WiMAX и Wi-Fi

Итак, наш дорогой друг и читатель, ты решил сделать себе беспроводной Интернет. Или беспроводную сеть с другом, живущим далеко. Первая проблема, встающая перед тобой, – плохой уровень сигнала. И причиной этому может быть все что угодно! Деревья, здания, расстояние от одной точки до другой

PayPal users close accounts after Cryptome attack

PayPal users have reacted angrily to the suspension of Cryptome's account by the e-payment company and are using Cryptome's website to display their emails, cancelling their PayPal accounts.Although PayPal has now restored Cryptome's account, it was suspended for several days following Microsoft's action against the whistle-blowing site and the temporary shutdown of Cryptome by its hosting company.Faced with criticism over its heavy-handed approach, Microsoft claimed afterwards that it had not wished Cryptome to be shut down "While Microsoft has a good faith belief that the distribution of the file that was made available at that address infringes Microsoft's copyrights, it was not Microsoft's intention that the takedown request result in the disablement of web access to the entire cryptome.org website on which the file was made available," said the company's counsel, Evan Cox.

Twitter Becomes More Proactive About Phishing

Twitter is finally being proactive about the large number of phishing scams that have plagued the micro-blogging service in the past year. On Wednesday, Twitter introduced its own anti-phishing service designed to protect its users from these types of attacks. The new security measures will focus on Twitter direct messages (DMs) -- private tweets addressed to a specific user -- and corresponding e-mail notifications

Эффект неваляшки: простые шаги для создания отказоустойчивого Windows-сервера

Хороший админ не должен быть заметен. После того, как все настроено, он может спокойно заниматься своими делами, например, резаться в кваку или писать статьи в Х. Его работа оценивается по стабильно работающему серверу и отсутствию жалоб со стороны пользователей

1024-bit RSA encryption cracked by carefully starving CPU of electricity

Since 1977, RSA public-key encryption has protected privacy and verified authenticity when using computers, gadgets and web browsers around the globe, with only the most brutish of brute force efforts (and 1,500 years of processing time) felling its 768-bit variety earlier this year. Now, three eggheads (or Wolverines, as it were) at the University of Michigan claim they can break it simply by tweaking a device's power supply

Building a UNIX/Linux Incident response / Forensic Disk

There are many Linux distributions readily available. This however should not stop you creating your own version of a UNIX forensic tools disc. Whether you are on Solaris, HP-UX or any other variety of UNIX it is simple to create a forensic tools CD that can go between systems. The added benefit of this method is that the tools do not need to be left on the production server. This in itself could be a security risk and the ability to unmount the CD and take it with you increases security.

Новый оборонительный рубеж

Основная цель HIPS (Host Intrusion Prevention System, система отражения локальных угроз) - идентифицировать и блокировать вредоносные действия в системе и не допустить ее заражения. Отслеживаются все потенциально опасные операции, такие как работа с реестром (в первую очередь с ветками, отвечающими за автозапуск), файлами и каталогами, запуск/останов программ/служб, манипулирование потоками, контролируются инжекты в другие процессы и целостность системных файлов

Energizer Duo Charger Software Packs a Trojan

It would appear as if Energizer has found themselves in between a rock and a hard place. The famous battery maker’s Duo charger software infects an end user’s computer with a Trojan Horse malware infection, granting hackers full access to your computer, according to the United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT).

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