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Yearly Archives: 2009

Конкурс OLDI Computers

Одним из преимуществ покупки готового ПК является то, что в нем могут быть установлены такие компоненты, которые ты бы никогда не приобрел, собирая компьютер самостоятельно. Отнюдь не потому, что они плохие – просто имея определенные бюджетные рамки мы стремимся к компромиссу между производительностью и ценой, поэтому редко приобретаем новейшие или топовые комплектующие, чья стоимость оказывается несколько завышенной в силу той самой топовости или новизны

Microsoft rolls out Word patch

Microsoft has already begun offering what appears to be a patch for its popular Word software, allowing it to comply with a recent court ruling which has banned the software giant from selling copyright infringing versions of the word processing product.

Xbox 360 Thief Tracked by Gamertag

If you steal an Xbox 360, don't forget to disable the auto sign-in feature before going online. That's the lesson high-tech crooks are probably gleaning from today's New York Post brief about a thief, 22-year-old Jeremy Gilliam, apprehended after logging into Xbox LIVE with his victim's online game id.

Hackers unsuccessfully attack site

On Dec. 11, the bank’s information technology director Christine Lee met with Dells police to report that a person or persons gained unauthorized access to the bank’s domain registration. Between Dec. 5 and Dec. 7, changes made to the domain redirected customers accessing dellsbank.com or commbankportage.com to a fictitious web page. The page stated that “your account has been created” and that the person could access the Web site by going to another link

Good Guys Bring Down the Mega-D Botnet

For two years as a researcher with security company FireEye, Atif Mushtaq worked to keep Mega-D bot malware from infecting clients' networks. In the process, he learned how its controllers operated it. Last June, he began publishing his findings online. In November, he suddenly switched from de­­fense to offense. And Mega-D--a powerful, resilient botnet that had forced 250,000 PCs to do its bidding--went down.

Взломанный .NET

Думаешь .NET приложения сложны для взлома? Поверь, крекинг .NET-сборок ничуть не сложнее, а в целом значительно проще традиционных приложений. В ролике ты увидишь процесс решения одного из .NET CrackMe. На закуску продемонстрирована процедура снятия защиты с помощью шифрования.

DDoS attack on DNS hits Amazon and others briefly

Internet users in Northern California were unable to reach properties including Amazon.com and Amazon Web Services for a time Wednesday evening, as their DNS provider was targeted by a distributed denial-of-service attack. The attack came as North American consumers rushed to finish online shopping ahead of the end-of-year holiday season.

E-Book Piracy: The Publishing Industry`s Next Epic Saga?

As e-readers such as the Amazon Kindle continue to rise, so follows the publishing industry's worst nightmare: e-book piracy. For years e-book piracy was the exclusive province of the determined few willing to ferret out mostly nerdy textbook titles from the Internet's dark alleys and read them on their PC. But publishers say that the problem is ballooning as e-readers grow in popularity and the appetite for mainstream e-books grows.

New critical IIS flaw discovered

Security experts are warning of a highly critical new zero day vulnerability in Microsoft’s popular Internet Information Services (IIS) web server product which could allow hackers to bypass existing security measures and upload malicious code to any affected machine.

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