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Материалы сайта

Backstreet`s Back: total destruction of the Backstreet Boys band

Salute, my dear admirer of the Backstreet Boys band! Today I will tell you an interesting story about how backstreetboys.com, myspace.com/backstreetboys, and also the twitter.com/backstreetboys (the main network resources of your favorite band) had capitulated like a house on fire, with no fight. It all started with the fact that one day the notorious column editor alluded to continue the theme of hacking the well-regarded foreign celebrities

По скрытым следам: расследование инцидентов в Unix и Windows

В случае успешного взлома сервер может быть использован для рассылки спама, распространения вареза, организации атак на другие хосты, кроме того, могут быть украдены или уничтожены важные корпоративные данные. Конечно, своевременный бэкап позволит восстановить все в первоначальное состояние, но не факт, что через некоторое время инцидент не повторится вновь

Top ten malware hosting countries

IT security firm Sophos today released a list of the top ten countries hosting malware on the web, indicating which territories are the biggest offenders. Sophos detected over 50,000 newly infected web pages every day with its findings revealing that the problem of compromised websites is truly global.

Cisco`s Backdoor For Hackers

Activists have long grumbled about the privacy implications of the legal "backdoors" that networking companies like Cisco build into their equipment--functions that let law enforcement quietly track the Internet activities of criminal suspects. Now an IBM researcher has revealed a more serious problem with those backdoors: They don't have particularly strong locks, and consumers are at risk.

Oracle database can be hacked remotely

A bug in the design of the Oracle database -- the world's top-selling software for storing electronic information -- could allow hackers to break into private databases via the Internet, said David Litchfield, chief research scientist of NGSSoftware Ltd, a UK-based computer security company.

Dev Team Confirms iPhone 3.1.3 IPSW Jailbreak

Sticking to the rules of the cat-and-mouse game between the iPhone Dev Team and Apple, the former has been able to confirm that iPhone OS 3.1.3 IPSWs are jailbreakable by the group’s redsn0w jailbreak tool. Supported devices currently include the iPhone 2G (first-gen iPhones), iPhone 3G, and iPod touch 2G (second-gen iPod touch).

Неудержимый торрент

Пираты побеждают. Дело не только в том, что Пиратская партия Швеции — уже в Европарламенте, а обвинительный приговор, которым завершился процесс против владельцев одного из крупнейших торрент-трекеров Pirate Bay, не остановил работу сайта

Hackers for Hire

They go by names such as Piratecrackers, Yourhackers and Slickhackerz. Although illegal, a handful of internet services brazenly advertise that for a usual hundred dollar fee they can obtain almost any email password. One site boasts that it provides an ideal way to catch a cheating spouse or significant other.

Доверься ищейке

Ежесекундно по интернет-каналу корпоративной сети проходят тысячи пакетов. Часть из них нацелена на то, чтобы обойти все заслоны и нарушить работу сетевых сервисов или предоставить их автору базу для рассылки спама. И здесь на помощь администратору приходят системы обнаружения атак, позволяющие вовремя среагировать на угрозу

Конкурс: выиграй Nokia N900!

Представь, что ты администратор Сети и в руках твоих Nokia N900, основанный на MAEMO. Ты весь в делах и разъездах и твой мобильный компьютер - единственная связь с твоей подведомственной локалкой и внешними сетями. Рулить ими надо всерьез и надолго - конечно при помощи N900

Programming Errors Exacerbate Flash Flaws

Adobe's Flash technology has been the target of security researchers for several years, though often it's the Flash Player that gets the bulk of the attention. Mike Bailey, a senior security analyst with Foreground Security, is now turning the focus to how common programming bugs can enable Flash objects to attack Web sites.

Network Attacks on Facebook, Twitter Tripled in 2009

As more organizations allow employees to use social media like Facebook and Twitter at work, cybercrime attacks on these networks have exploded, according to a report released Monday by IT security firm Sophos. Reports of malware and spam rose 70 percent on social networks in the last 12 months, the security survey reveals.

Hacking cable modems for fun, profit, jail time

Matthew Delorey was a 26-year old with a business plan: selling hacked cable modems. This is the sort of business that a budding entrepreneur should probably keep on the down-low, or at least limit to those tiny text ads at the back of magazines where satellite descramblers are sold, but that's no way to rake in the cash.

Climate leak `work of spy agency`

A highly sophisticated hacking operation that led to the leaking of hundreds of "climategate" emails from the Climatic Research Unit in East Anglia was probably done by a foreign intelligence agency, says the British Government's former chief scientist.

BitTorrent Census Proves 99% of Files Downloaded are Illegal and DRM Might be to Blame

BitTorrent has plenty of practical and legal uses, but sadly, if you're one of the millions of people using it, you're probably breaking the law. A student at Princeton University by the name of Sauhard Sahi has conducted a study of more than 1,000 random files acquired using the trackerless Mainline DHT, and found that more than 99% of them infringe on copyrights. I somehow doubt this news will shock or amaze you, but at least one interesting discovery was made and it makes a pretty compelling argument against those who would try to claim that DRM helps prevent piracy.

Поиск альтернативных программ среди Windows, Mac, Linux и веб-решений

Все мы пользуемся каким-то перечнем привычных программ, но рано или поздно привычные инструменты становятся хуже — перегруженные функционалом, медлительные, глючные или просто за новую версию опять просят денег. Так мы приходим к вопросу: а что есть еще такого как моя программа, но лучше?

Backstreet`s Back: тотальное уничтожение группы Backstreet Boys

Приветствую тебя, уважаемый почитатель буржуйского бойс-бенда Backstreet Boys! Сегодня я расскажу занимательную историю о том, как быстро и без боя сдались backstreetboys.com, myspace.com/backstreetboys, а также twitter.com/backstreetboys - основные сетевые ресурсы твоей любимой группы

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