Gary McKinnon to be extradited `in weeks`
UK home secretary Alan Johnson has decided that Gary McKinnon should be sent to the US to face trial on hacking charges.
UK home secretary Alan Johnson has decided that Gary McKinnon should be sent to the US to face trial on hacking charges.
Программа: PHP 5.3
Программа: PHP 5.3
Программа: Serenity 3.x
Программа: Microsoft Index Server 2.0
As we prepare to stuff our faces with a bountiful Thanksgiving feast, we turn our Thanksgiving spirit to the gobs of free software we love to say thank you to the developers, and to give our computers a feast of their own.
The 21-year-old hacker who wrote the first iPhone worm has landed a job developing software for the phones.
Microsoft released data collected from an FTP-server honeypot, showing that attempts to guess passwords continue to focus on the low-hanging fruit: passwords with an average length of eight characters, with "password" and "123456" being the most common.
Ubisoft said that the website of its popular video game Splinter Cell had been hacked on Thursday. However circumstantial evidence suggests the hack is more likely to be a publicity stunt than a genuine cyber assault.
A malicious spam campaign that attempts to harvest online game passwords under the guise of messages containing smutty photos is doing the rounds.
Customers of an UK-based web host called Daily Internet Services, had their websites defaced by hackers, who replaced their index pages with an image featuring Tux, the Linux penguin mascot. The company has restored the affected pages from back-ups and is currently investigating the attack.
Britain faces a new threat from the sharp increase in cyber-crime with sophisticated hackers leaving the government far behind in its attempts to catch them, according to the world's leading expert in online security.
Hackers could evade most existing antivirus protection by hiding malicious code within ordinary text, according to security researchers.
Windows 7 has a had a very successful launch and has sold more copies than OSX during the second and third weeks in November. Overall sales of Windows 7 are projected to oversell both OSX and Windows Vista next year.
Программа: GlobalSCAPE Secure FTP Server 2.0 2b
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Программа: GNU libtool 2.x
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Программа: Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.x Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.x Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.x
Программа: Altiris Deployment Solution 6.x Altiris Notification Server 6.x Symantec Altiris ConsoleUtilities ActiveX Contro…
В предыдущей статье было продемонстрировано, как тривиальная инъекция может привести к гибели сервера, а точнее, к получению контроля над ним злоумышленником. Тогда мне в значительной степени повезло, так как доступ к БД через скуль открывал завесу к паролям от FTP
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MacOS по праву считается одной из самых красивых и самых удобных операционных систем. Это основано, прежде всего, на удобном интерфейсе и "фишках", которые этот интерфейс содержит. Одной из таких "фишек" являются виджеты — удобные мини-приложения, каждое из которых выполняет свою, строго определенную функцию
A call for intercepted data to be destroyed "as soon as it is no longer required" has been described as shortsighted by the director of one of the country's leading forensic computer labs.
Microsoft has been issuing takedown notices for publicly hosting its leaked Computer Online Forensic Evidence Extractor (COFEE) tool. The company sent off "Demand for Immediate Take-Down: Notice of Infringing Activity" to companies hosting websites that offered the tool. The e-mails all start with the following standard statement: "Microsoft has received information that the domain listed above, which appears to be on servers under your control, is offering unlicensed copies of, or is engaged in other unauthorized activities relating to copyrighted works published by Microsoft."