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Palin hacker to use spyware defense?

Lawyers acting for David Kernell, the son of a Democrat Tennessee state legislator, accused of illegally breaking into the email account of Alaska governor Sarah Palin, are claiming his Acer laptop was infected with unspecified spyware in a motion filed on November 30. This may be used at his trial to show that Kernell was not personally responsible for the hack.

Google Goggles: смотрите на мир глазами Google

Еще одна невероятная вещь от компании Google — мобильное приложение Gogggles, которое приоткрывает для пользователей мир наложенной реальности и визуального поиска. Вы не поверите, но уже сегодня мы можем не задумываться над тем где мы или что мы видим перед собой.

Ebook-потрошитель: секреты Sony Book Reader PRS-505

Вокруг нас полно гаджетов с Linux на борту, и никто не мешает учиться на ошибках профессионалов, вскрывая гаджеты и изучая. Мной была куплена "игрушка" - книгочиталка на электронных чернилах Sony Book Reader PRS-505. Вдоволь начитавшись Хайнлайна, я полез во внутренности девайса, изучить программную и аппаратную часть

2009 is the year of the botnet

Malicious web sites and botnet activity continued to dominate the cyber securiy landscape over the past 12 months, with 10 major botnets now controlling at least five million computers, according to Symantec's MessageLabs Intelligence division.

Seven fail Virus Bulletin`s first Windows 7 tests

Virus Bulletin (VB) conducted its latest test in November, posting the results this month. The security research company evaluated 43 antimalware products (product submission deadline was October 28) for the 32-bit version of Windows 7 Professional. The basic requirements for a product passing the test is detecting, both on demand and on access, in its default settings, all malware known to be "In the Wild" at the time of the review, and not detecting any false positives when scanning a set of clean files

First Shots of Boxee Box

It was rumored long ago and now it's confirmed: The Boxee Box. Made by D-Link and bringing HDMI-support, an SD card slot, two USB 2.0 ports, WiFi, and ethernet. Anticipated release is sometime in the second quarter of 2010 with an expected price tag of $200.

Конь в яблоках

Данный ролик демонстрирует работу трояна на Apple iPhone. По команде хакера осуществляется отправка СМС, совершается звонок с телефона и выполняются системные (shell) команды.

Attack exploits just-patched Mac security bug

A security researcher has released a proof-of-concept attack that exploits critical vulnerabilities that Apple patched on Thursday. The vulns stem from bugs in the Java runtime environment that allow attackers to remotely execute malicious code. Sun Microsystems patched the flaws early last month.

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