Tor Project suffers hack attack
The Tor Project, a service that provides privacy and anonymity to Web users, said hackers broke into two of its servers and used the CPU and bandwidth to launch additional attacks.
The Tor Project, a service that provides privacy and anonymity to Web users, said hackers broke into two of its servers and used the CPU and bandwidth to launch additional attacks.
George Hotz, aka Geohot, known for creating jailbreaking/unlocking tools for the iPhone and iPod touch, claims to have hacked the Playstation 3.
Hackers cracked into the credit card processing networks of several popular restaurant chains in Korea from December through early this year, obtaining personal information from customers to make fake cards and ring up millions of won in purchases.
Computer scientists in the US have discovered ways to "re-identify" the names of people included in supposedly anonymous datasets.
В ролике наглядно показывается удобство использования новых способов Local и Remote File Include. Хакер демонстрирует методы инклуда через протокол data, через символические ссылки и локальные переменные в proc, через отправку и чтение email локального пользователя
The targeted cyber attacks apparently originating in China that hit Google and more than 30 other companies late last year are now targeting some U.S. defense contractors, according to security vendor F-Secure.
Robotics company Willow Garage is giving 10 of its robots free to researchers in return for a promise that they will share their development efforts with the open-source community.
Verizon is terminating internet service to an unknown number of repeat copyright scofflaws, a year after suggesting it was not adopting a so-called graduated-response policy.
Network Solutions, the well-known U.S. hosting provider and domain registrar that manages over 6.6 million domain names, confirmed on Tuesday that their servers have been breached and that a few hundred of their customer's web sites have been defaced by unknown attackers who have replaced the home pages with the following:
Apple on Tuesday patched 12 vulnerabilities in Leopard and Snow Leopard, including seven in Adobe Flash Player and one in the protocol used to secure Internet traffic.
Online banking customers are worried about their financial security but banks are lagging behind, according to a global survey of 4,500 internet users.
Targeted attacks against backend systems have replaced botnet-powered traffic floods as the main concerns for security staff at telcos and large ISPs.
У каждого из команды ][ — свои предпочтения по части софта и утилит для пентеста. Посовещавшись, выяснилось, что выбор так разнится, что можно составить настоящий джентльменский набор из проверенных программ. На том и решили
Уход во фриланс в представлениях многих людей часто сопряжен с громким увольнением или уходом с хлопаньем дверьми и обрыванием всех контактов с коллегами и начальством. На самом деле всего этого можно избежать, более того, можно, оставаясь работать на основной работе, подготовить себе почву для активного фриланса
A security researcher at Google is recommending computer users make several configuration changes to protect themselves against a previously unknown vulnerability that allows untrusted users to take complete control of systems running most versions of Microsoft Windows.
After Microsoft confirmed that a hole in its Internet Explorer browser was used in the December cyber attacks on Google and at least 33 other outfits, a trio of security-conscious nations - Germany, France, and Australia - went so far as to warn their citizens against the use of IE. And that led to a very good week for the likes of Opera and Mozilla.
Microsoft said it planned to release the first emergency out-of-band patch of the New Year, repairing a critical exploited vulnerability in Internet Explorer, found as the source of malicious attacks against Google earlier this month.
Privacy and security news for Facebook just keeps getting worse. No doubt, thanks in part to its ubiquity, Facebook is quickly becoming the Microsoft of social networking. The latest research shows that not only has certain user information been made available by the site without warning, but additional information can also be harvested with the use of simple clickjacking schemes.
China Tuesday said reports of attacks by Chinese hackers on Indian government computers were “without basis”, a media report said.
The recent cracks of the A5/1 and A5/3 encryption systems seen on GSM and 3G cellular networks has resulted in an unexpected surge in sales of encrypted mobile broadband data software.
Microsoft is all over the news this week, but unfortunately for the company, it's for the wrong reasons. Early this week it was revealed that a security flaw in Internet Explorer caused opened the way for cyber attacks on Google users and some corporate networks. Now officials in France and Germany are advising its citizens it is best to avoid using IE until at least until Microsoft patches the IE vulnerability.
Virgin Media is trialling a scheme that will identify whether its broadband customers are illegally downloading.
Многие из вас, дорогие читатели, пишут в свои собственные или коллективные блоги. Да и вообще – создают различный контент. Хорошие тексты необходимо визуализировать – подкреплять скриншотами и фотографиями. А найти качественную утилиту для снятия скриншотов – не вполне простая задача
Thousands of years ago nobody could even dream of such a thing as GPS. Sailors and travelers coped well with navigation using a compass, maps, the sun and the stars. It’s the digital era now but nevertheless, there are many ways to determine the location without using global positioning systems.
Security researchers continued on Monday to refine the basic Internet Explorer exploit used by China-based attackers to compromise systems at Google and up to 33 other companies.
Security experts are urging service providers to be more proactive in tracking infected machines and taking them off their networks, after new statistics showed that many computers remain infected for months on end.
Only 10 per cent of the entire IPv4 address range is still available and businesses need to start preparing for the switch to IPv6 within the next two years, according to the Number Resource Organisation (NRO).
Booby-trapped PDF files, posing as messages from the US Department of Defense, were emailed to US defence contractors last week. The document refers to a real conference due to be held in Las Vegas in March.
Anti-Semitic hackers shut down the London Jewish Chronicle website for 18 hours until Monday morning and posted an Arab flag, hate slogans and messages from the Koran. The computer vandals called themselves “Palestinian Mujaheeds.”
Security measures such as the use of one-time passwords and phone-based user authentication -- considered among the most robust forms of IT defenses -- are no longer enough to protect online banking systems against fraud, a Gartner Inc. report warns.
Сегодня мы рассмотрим распаковку (далее анпак) игры, защищённой StarForce (далее старка, стар). Сразу хочу развеять миф о неломаемости этой защиты и поведать вам, что стар сможет распаковать даже ребёнок.
Компьютерная преступность — очень прибыльный и быстро развивающийся вид преступного бизнеса. Начавшийся в этом месяце в США судебный процесс над международной бандой хакеров, обвиняемых в краже на рекордную сумму $9,4 млн,— наглядный тому пример
A Romanian national pleaded guilty on Thursday to a charge related to a phishing operation that sought to defraud customers of banks such as Citibank and Wells Fargo, and of Web sites such as eBay.
Exploit code targeting the Internet Explorer vulnerability used against Google and other companies has gone public, increasing the chances that broader attacks will soon follow.
Router manufacturer D-Link admitted Friday that some of its routers have a vulnerability that could allow hackers access to a device's administrative settings, but it has issued patches.
An Associate Press (AP) exclusive tells the story of a glitch that allowed AT&T wireless users to log into the Facebook accounts of other users. This glitch was “the result of a routing problem at the family’s wireless carrier, AT&T”.
The new description of the attack raises questions about the security of Google's increasingly popular computing "cloud," a term that refers to the clusters of servers it uses to store user's information. Google, however, insisted that the cloud is safe, and it will continue to use it for its business operations.
Many IT managers swear by the following rule: never deploy a version of Windows until the first service pack has been released. That way you can be sure that any huge bugs have been resolved before committing to the new platform.
Долгое время визитной карточкой Windows служил графический интерфейс, а желающим поработать в консоли приходилось довольствоваться весьма урезанным функционально cmd.exe. Появление PowerShell с гибким языком сценариев изменило ситуацию к лучшему
More details have emerged on the Google hack which has prompted the firm to threaten to pull out of China, including evidence linking the attack to a similar hack on 100 Silicon Valley firms last year, and the possibility that Adobe's corporate network has also been hacked by China.