IE8 becomes most popular web browser
Microsoft's Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) became the world's most popular browser during January, gaining 22.31 per cent of the market and overtaking IE6 for the first time.
Microsoft's Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) became the world's most popular browser during January, gaining 22.31 per cent of the market and overtaking IE6 for the first time.
Adobe's Flash technology has been the target of security researchers for several years, though often it's the Flash Player that gets the bulk of the attention. Mike Bailey, a senior security analyst with Foreground Security, is now turning the focus to how common programming bugs can enable Flash objects to attack Web sites.
As more organizations allow employees to use social media like Facebook and Twitter at work, cybercrime attacks on these networks have exploded, according to a report released Monday by IT security firm Sophos. Reports of malware and spam rose 70 percent on social networks in the last 12 months, the security survey reveals.
Matthew Delorey was a 26-year old with a business plan: selling hacked cable modems. This is the sort of business that a budding entrepreneur should probably keep on the down-low, or at least limit to those tiny text ads at the back of magazines where satellite descramblers are sold, but that's no way to rake in the cash.
Hackers calling themselves the Iranian Cyber Army hijacked the website of a Dutch-based Persian language radio station at the weekend, weeks after doing the same to China's Baidu Inc search engine and
International Telcommunications Union secretary general Hamadoun Toure has called for a treaty to avert possible cyber war at the World Economic Forum. During a debate on when a cyber attack becomes a declaration of war, Toure called for a treating that would bind nations to not launch the first cyber attack.
For the right price, you can now buy a Twitter account user name and password. Researchers at Kaspersky Labs claim that hackers are attempting to sell compromised Twitter accounts for up to $1,000.
A highly sophisticated hacking operation that led to the leaking of hundreds of "climategate" emails from the Climatic Research Unit in East Anglia was probably done by a foreign intelligence agency, says the British Government's former chief scientist.
BitTorrent has plenty of practical and legal uses, but sadly, if you're one of the millions of people using it, you're probably breaking the law. A student at Princeton University by the name of Sauhard Sahi has conducted a study of more than 1,000 random files acquired using the trackerless Mainline DHT, and found that more than 99% of them infringe on copyrights. I somehow doubt this news will shock or amaze you, but at least one interesting discovery was made and it makes a pretty compelling argument against those who would try to claim that DRM helps prevent piracy.
Согласно отчету, опубликованному вчера компанией Sophos, в 2009 году произошел резкий скачок числа атак на социальные сети.…
Как сообщают со ссылкой на Комиссию по азартным играм штата Айова многочисленные новостные агентства, киберпреступникам уда…
Все мы пользуемся каким-то перечнем привычных программ, но рано или поздно привычные инструменты становятся хуже — перегруженные функционалом, медлительные, глючные или просто за новую версию опять просят денег. Так мы приходим к вопросу: а что есть еще такого как моя программа, но лучше?
Через пять месяцев после того, как на сайте американского финансового гиганта Ameriprise Financial была обнаружена брешь, п…
По данным аналитической компании NetApplication, браузер компании Google в январе 2010 года продолжил рост своей популярнос…
Один из самых опасных преступников Британии использовал социальную сеть Facebook для запугивания жертв и руководства членам…
Коммуникатор Nokia N900 с сенсорным TFT-дисплеем диагональю 3,5 дюйма, пятимегапиксельной камерой, мощным процессором ARM C…
Mozilla официально объявила о выходе первой мобильной версии браузера Firefox. Пока свет увидел лишь вариант для платформы …
Компания Google готова выплачивать денежное вознаграждение тем исследователям, которые обнаружат уязвимости в веб-браузере …
Приветствую тебя, уважаемый почитатель буржуйского бойс-бенда Backstreet Boys! Сегодня я расскажу занимательную историю о том, как быстро и без боя сдались,, а также - основные сетевые ресурсы твоей любимой группы
The Central Intelligence Agency, PayPal, and hundreds of other organizations are under an unexplained assault that's bombarding their websites with millions of compute-intensive requests.
Underscoring a little-known web vulnerability, hackers are exploiting a weakness in the Mozilla Firefox browser to wreak havoc on Freenode and other networks that cater to users of internet relay chat.
A hacker broke into 49 House websites and defaced the front pages with obscene comments about President Obama.
Think that turning off cookies and turning on private browsing makes you invisible on the web? Think again.
Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant at Sophos, explained that users of the social networking site are reacting to a mystery application that may or may not be spying on them.
Apple's new iPad device looks like it will have some of the same security issues that affect the iPhone, such as weak encryption, a mobile security expert said on Thursday.
In designing Chromium, we've been working hard to make the browser as secure as possible. We've made strong improvements with the integrated sandboxing and our up-to-date user base. We're always looking to stay on top of the latest browser security features. We've also worked closely with the broader security community to get independent scrutiny and to quickly fix bugs that have been reported.
Программа: MySQL 5.x
Программа: Serversman 3.x (iPhone/iPod Touch)
Программа: NovaBoard 1.x
Программа: Comtrend CT-507IT
Программа: TantumWeb PhpCatalog
Программа: ccNewsletter 1.x (component for Joomla)
Программа: Samba 3.x
Программа: Altiris Notification Server 6.x
Программа: Cosminexus 5.x Cosminexus 6.x Cosminexus 7.x Cosminexus 8.x Cosminexus Server 4.x Cosminexus Studio 4.x Cosminex…
Воспользовавшись малоизвестной уязвимостью, хакеры сумели внести хаос в работу Freenode и ряда других сетей, обслуживающих …
Как сообщает Shadowserver Foundation, примерно неделю назад на сайты ЦРУ, платежной системы PayPal и ряда других организаци…
Дэниел Хоффман, технический директор фирмы SMobile Systems, занимающейся вопросами обеспечения безопасности мобильных устро…
Согласно опубликованному корпорацией RSA Security отчету, в конце минувшего года фишеры и не думали сбавлять обороты – за д…
Антивирусная компания McAfee совместно с Центром стратегических и международных исследований (CSIS) представила на Всемирно…