Proper use of English could get a virus past security
Hackers could evade most existing antivirus protection by hiding malicious code within ordinary text, according to security researchers.
Hackers could evade most existing antivirus protection by hiding malicious code within ordinary text, according to security researchers.
Windows 7 has a had a very successful launch and has sold more copies than OSX during the second and third weeks in November. Overall sales of Windows 7 are projected to oversell both OSX and Windows Vista next year.
В предыдущей статье было продемонстрировано, как тривиальная инъекция может привести к гибели сервера, а точнее, к получению контроля над ним злоумышленником. Тогда мне в значительной степени повезло, так как доступ к БД через скуль открывал завесу к паролям от FTP
MacOS по праву считается одной из самых красивых и самых удобных операционных систем. Это основано, прежде всего, на удобном интерфейсе и "фишках", которые этот интерфейс содержит. Одной из таких "фишек" являются виджеты — удобные мини-приложения, каждое из которых выполняет свою, строго определенную функцию
A call for intercepted data to be destroyed "as soon as it is no longer required" has been described as shortsighted by the director of one of the country's leading forensic computer labs.
Microsoft has been issuing takedown notices for publicly hosting its leaked Computer Online Forensic Evidence Extractor (COFEE) tool. The company sent off "Demand for Immediate Take-Down: Notice of Infringing Activity" to companies hosting websites that offered the tool. The e-mails all start with the following standard statement: "Microsoft has received information that the domain listed above, which appears to be on servers under your control, is offering unlicensed copies of, or is engaged in other unauthorized activities relating to copyrighted works published by Microsoft."
Google has defended its free Analytics web traffic service against arguments that it conflicts with web users' privacy.
The blaze of publicity that accompanied the release of the first iPhone worms this month has sparked interest in selling anti-malware products for the device. However no such security products currently exist and Apple shows little inclination in licensing any that do get developed.
25 августа 2009-го года был выпущен релиз очередной версии Embarcadero RAD Studio. Как и предыдущая, новая RAD Studio 2010 включила в себя три полноценных продукта, предназначенных для разработки программного обеспечения - Delphi 2010, C++ Builder 2010 и Delphi Prism 2010
As you remember - a Symantec-run website was vulnerable to Blind SQL Injection problems that reportedly exposes a wealth of potentially sensitive information. Now we have a full story...
Malware and financial fraud were among the chief "growth threats" posed to businesses in 2009, according to a new study from the Computer Security Institute that will be published next week.
A survey of 104 enterprise mobility professionals showed that more than two thirds of European organizations surveyed are not fully aware what sensitive data is stored within employees' mobile devices.
Microsoft has issued a security advisory for a zero-day Internet Explorer vulnerability that emerged yesterday.
So-called Spam King Alan Rasky has been sentenced to over four years in prison for his involvement in a ‘pump and dump’ stock fraud.
Facebook administrators have blocked a clickjacking exploit that displayed images of a scantily clad woman on profile pages without first prompting the user for permission.
Employees know it's illegal to steal company data, but they're prepared to do it anyway. Companies know their employees are a chief threat to their data, but most aren't doing much about it.
A bug in Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser is causing more than 50 million files stored online to leak potentially sensitive information that could compromise user privacy, a security researcher said.
Apple's iPhone and iPod Touch models may account for as much as 32 per cent of mobile data traffic worldwide.
Cisco has pushed out a new iPhone app that helps IT managers respond to newly-detected security threats by the seat (pocket) of their pants.
A Symantec-run website was vulnerable to Blind SQL Injection problems that reportedly exposes a wealth of potentially sensitive information.
A particularly nasty computer virus has been discovered in China and the government there is warning that it could spread fast.
Telling the story of Google Chrome and how it inspired an operating system.
Отгремела презентация Google ее давно ожидаемой ОС Google Chrome OS, которая основана на легковесной версии Debian Linux и запускает при своем старте только кастомизированный браузер Chrome, чтобы вы могли запустить Gmail, Google Calendar и другие сайты
Большую часть времени работы за компьютером вы не видите обоев картинку на рабочем столе, но все-равно нас постоянно волнует какая она. Мы тщательно выбираем ее под разрешение нашего монитора или мониторов, и долго гордимся собой, сделав правильный выбор
LinuxMCE представляет собой полнофункциональную систему автоматизации дома. Она способна управлять всеми доступными девайсами, начиная от обычного (ну не совсем обычного) выключателя света до устройств безопасности (сигнализация и видеонаблюдение), климат-контроля и бытовых приборов
On Feb. 5, 2008, GEXA Energy terminated Kim's employment as a database administrator and permanently revoked his access to all GEXA Energy facilities, computer networks, and information technology systems, the report says. Approximately three months later, Kim remotely accessed the GEXA Energy computer network and GEXA Energy Management System (GEMS) database.
Microsoft has helped discover a flaw in the Google Chome Frame plug-in for Internet Explorer users.
The failure of corporate chiefs to make security a priority and a reactive approach to data protection has left many companies vulnerable to attack, especially via emerging technologies such as smart phones and cloud computing, according to a survey of information technologists. published on Tuesday.
Snow Leopard users are once again free to run the Apple operating system on hardware with Atom processors, courtesy of hackers in Russia.
An exploit for Internet Explorer was published online yesterday, showing signs of poor reliability. Symantec confirmed that the exploit affects Internet Explorer 6 and 7. Experts believe a fully functional version of the exploit will be made available in the coming weeks.
Three hackers have been charged by federal indictment over their alleged involvement in infiltrating the security of and subsequently redirecting the visitors of the website to web pages under their control a year back.
A team of unidentified hackers has managed to steal "confidential" global warming data after breaking into the e-mail server of a prominent, British climate-research center and posted them online - showing that climate scientists conspired to overstate that man has caused climate change.
A new form of attack that installs a rootkit directly onto a computer's Bios system would render anti-virus software useless, researchers have warned.
A Dutch internet service provider has identified a worm that installs a backdoor on jailbroken iPhones and makes them part of a botnet.
Герои 3D Max, Maya, Cinema и прочих графический 3D-студий в конце концов перестают удовлетворяться создавая и оживляя созданных персонажей анимацией. Хочется с ними что-то сделать – красивое демо, базовую игру, что угодно, только бы вытащить свои творения за пределы 3D-редактора
The Security Response team has compiled the top security trends of 2009. We pulled data from the Global Intelligence Network and the experiences of the thousands of analysts and security experts at Symantec to come up with the top trends for the year. While none of these trends will be a surprise to anyone even casually following the threat landscape, when compiled and summarized, it is clear that the breadth of security problems in the past year was pretty stunning.
The soon-to-be shipped version 3.6 of the Firefox browser will have a new feature that will make it more stable. It is called Component Directory Lockdown, and it prevents third-party applications (add-ons and plugins) to store their own code into the "components" directory, where most of Firefox's own code is stored.
Penetration testing, once considered a risky practice for the enterprise and even a tool for evil hacking purposes, is becoming more of an accepted mainstream process in the enterprise mainly due to compliance requirements, more automated, user-friendly tools -- and most recently, the imminent arrival of a commercial offering based on the popular open-source Metasploit tool.
T-Mobile U.K. said Wednesday that an employee was to blame for stealing possibly millions of customer records and selling the data to competitors.