Mozilla spills plan for Firefox 4
Mozilla has confirmed that the next major upgrade to its open source browser will be known as Firefox 4.0.
Mozilla has confirmed that the next major upgrade to its open source browser will be known as Firefox 4.0.
Security researchers have developed an attack technique they say can circumvent dozens of anti-virus products used to protect Windows desktops, including McAfee, Sophos and Symantec’s Norton anti-virus.
В этой статье я расскажу о том, как создавать и продавать shareware-программы для мобильных аппаратов на базе Symbian. Все написанное основано на моем личном опыте в построении малого бизнеса по разработке и продаже ПО для смартфонов, так что, есть вероятность, что и у тебя все это получится :).
Одна из проблем состоит, например, в том, что существующий сегодня в мире сервис по доставке легального контента в 99 случаях из 100 является полным и безнадежным говном, за которое стыдно и брать, и платить деньги.
When Adobe releases Flash Player 10.1 in the next couple of months, users of the application will have clearer, easier-to-set privacy options for their browser cookies. But more user privacy comes at the expense of fraud detection processes: The upgraded software is likely to disrupt some ecommerce and online banking sites that rely on cookies as another layer to authenticate their customers.
Businesses are pumping information security investment into all the wrong areas, research has revealed.
Today is the tenth anniversary of the LoveBug worm, which was arguably the first malware infection that used social engineering techniques to propagate itself. Though simple in its approach, LoveBug was quite virulent in its attack methodology and, as reports of the time noted, hit several million users of the internet in its first 24 hours.
Microsoft has released a new version of its Producer software, fixing a critical security problem that plagued the product for several months. Producer is a free add-on tool that helps users capture and add multimedia components to their PowerPoint presentations.
Flaws in the configuration and security of the U.S. Coast Guard IT system caused a material weakness in the Department of Homeland Security financial system, according to a recent audit.
A North Carolina grocery worker is being held without bail in Houston on attempted computer hacking charges after inadvertently partnering with an undercover FBI agent in an alleged citywide ATM-reprogramming caper.
Google has released a free online tutorial that gives developers the chance to play the role of malicious hacker by exploiting real security bugs in a mock web application.
В ранее опубликованной статье "SMM и SMRAM или 128Кб потусторонней памяти. Исследовательская работа №5 и 6", был рассмотрен режим System Management Mode (SMM) и оперативная память с особым статусом - System Management RAM (SMRAM), используемая для поддержки данного режима
Когда мы говорим о звонках через интернет, мы обычно имеем в виду связь PC-to-PC. Звонки с помощью Skype и прочих подобных приложений. На телефоны мы звоним не так часто, а зря. Есть множество сайтов, которые позволяют бесплатно позвонить куда угодно
Hackers have once again wrested a measure of control from Apple's iron-fisted grasp of iPads and newer iPhones with the release of jailbreaking software that allows hundreds of unapproved apps to be installed on the devices.
Think you can hide behind the privacy of an "unlisted" cell phone number? Think again. Maybe you believe you don't need security software on a Mac or iPad. You'd swear that Firefox is the safest browser in town. Wrong on both counts.
Websites operated by the US Treasury Department are redirecting visitors to websites that attempt to install malware on their PCs, a security researcher warned on Monday.
One security researcher turned operating-system developer is claiming that Windows 7 and Mac OS X are insecure by design, while proposing her own platform as a model for the bulletproof desktop OS. While swapping rootkit research for the Qubes project, Joanna Rutkowska, founder and CEO of Invisible Things Lab, announced some changes to the company she founded, namely the shift in focus away from security research and onto designing systems that were immune to rootkit by design
A college student is facing over twenty years in jail and massive fines after he guessed the password to the Yahoo email account of then vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin.
I apologize up front for jumping into this debate, but I couldn't resist. Not a week goes by, or so it seems, without some newspaper, magazine or TV show (apologies to my media brethren) lambasting security and IT professionals because they force unnecessary security controls on the poor, downtrodden consumer or worker. It's as if your security requirements are designed to make everyone's life miserable with little or no benefit
Любите всевозможные шутки и розыгрыши? Тогда самое время попробовать воспользоваться AV Voice Changer, она даст вам возможность воплотить многие мечты в реальность.
Linux-based computers are five times more likely to send spam than Windows PCs, relative to market share, according to the latest MessageLabs Intelligence Report from Symantec Hosted Services.
As much as it hurts us to admit, online scamming shares many of the characteristics of a legal business. Why? Because, in the end, they have the same goal - revenue.
A rise in fake antivirus offerings on Web sites around the globe shows that scammers are increasingly turning to social engineering to get malware on computers rather than exploiting holes in software, a Google study to be released on Tuesday indicates.
Microsoft is preparing a security update in June for the IE XSS filter in Internet Explorer 8.
Arbor Networks, whose technology detects abnormal network traffic flow, now offers its PeakFlow monitoring tool for use in virtualized environments. PeakFlow X Virtual 4.2 is the alternative to PeakFlow X software that monitors packet flow through network routers and switches, alerting system administrators if traffic spikes above normal patterns, such as in the case of a dedicated denial of service (DDOS) attack
Following the cyberspying breaches at Google, Adobe, Yahoo!, Intel, Juniper and others, there's been much discussion and dissection of targeted attacks. But rarely is an individual operation laid out in step by step detail. And rarer still is an account told from the hacker's perspective.
Google has not only opened up on how often the world's governments request user data stored on its servers. It's come awfully close to acknowledging that it doesn't actually "anonymize" your IP address after 9 months.
Вопрос приема оплаты за услуги или товар встает перед каждым, кто собирается создать свой бизнес в инете. При кажущейся сложности наладить систему для приема платежей несложно, причем можно не ограничивать себя одними лишь электронными деньгами, а принимать к оплате и обычные кредитные карточки
Non-traditional communications devices such as smartphones and game consoles pose a particular problem to law enforcement agencies trying to milk them for forensic data that reveals criminal activity, attendees were told at the 2010 Computer Forensics Show in New York City.
When Rapid7 announced it was acquiring HD Moore's hugely popular Metasploit tool late last year, many wondered if the integrity of the technology would be preserved.
In an official blog post, an employee in Verizon's Risk Intelligence unit has taken aim at researchers who disclose security flaws, calling them "Narcissistic vulnerability pimps" and comparing them to criminals.
A website that encourages people to share details of their online purchases with world+dog was caught exposing the complete credit card numbers of four of its users.
Blizzard posted an official annoucement on their forums that they have kicked over 320,000 accounts from they found were violating the terms of service.
A Russian hacker who says he is living in New Zealand attempted to sell the login details of millions of Facebook users - an unprecedented attack on the world's biggest social networking site.
Faced with stricter Internet security measures, some spammers have begun borrowing a page from corporate America’s playbook: they are outsourcing.
Интересное решение для запоминания паролей предлагает простой сервис PasswordCard. Людям с плохой памятью и не доверяющим электронным устройствам должно понравится.
Я часто задаюсь вопросом: бывает ли у сантехников такой момент в их карьере, когда после очистки очередного засорившегося водостока они начинают ненавидеть свою профессию? Ненавидеть трубы. Ненавидеть шпатлёвку. Ненавидеть все уловки, которые они выучили за годы, ненавидеть учиться новым
На повестке дня очень интересная тема - разбор презентации Стефана "Shocking News in PHP Exploitation", которую он представил на всеобщее обозрение во время конференции PoC2009 в Сеуле 5 ноября. Сразу спешу сообщить, что данное исследование в большей степени направлено на будущее, так как на данный момент очень немногие программисты стремятся воспользоваться всеми преимуществами "волшебных методов" PHP, хотя многие векторы описываемой атаки уже сейчас присущи таким великолепным вещам, как WordPress и Zend Framework.
A seasoned hacker believes Microsoft is now more secure than both Apple and Adobe.Marc Maiffret, who once faced FBI agents waving a gun in his face over his hacking exploits aged 17, now works trying to find security flaws in Microsoft's software and well as tackling malware.
The biggest single threat to computer security is now the inability of PC users to patch their computers, Symantec's review of 2009 year has hinted.