Romanian cops to $150,000 ATM skimming spree
A Romanian national has admitted he defrauded Bank of America of about $150,000 in a scheme that secretly recorded customer information as it was entered into automatic teller machines.
A Romanian national has admitted he defrauded Bank of America of about $150,000 in a scheme that secretly recorded customer information as it was entered into automatic teller machines.
Start-up InZero Systems Tuesday makes its debut with a security service that promises to protect PCs from possible malware, intrusions and other types of attacks.
Good news for devotees of ponytailed crypto guru of all our hearts Bruce Schneier: it's now possible to buy an officially endorsed "Bruce Schneier action figure".
After 12 months in development, Metasploit version 3.3 is available to the masses. The new version packs in a ton of features, fixes, exploits, and payloads, thanks to contributions from the community.
Self-proclaimed anti-fascist hackers have struck a major blow at controversial World War II historian David Irving by taking down two of his websites and publishing scores of his emails and private information.
The release of Fedora 12 will mark the fourth major operating system update this fall. Codenamed 'Constantine' and like the three previous OS releases, Windows 7, Ubuntu 9.10 openSUSE 11.2, the Linux based Fedora 12 comes packed with a variety of improvements and new features.
The ability of several countries to launch politically-motivated cyber-attacks has increased and put critical infrastructure in the crosshairs, according to a sweeping report from McAfee.
Microsoft is creating technology to give businesses more fine-grained control over access to data stored in the company's upcoming SQL Azure database cloud service, a senior engineer said today. Code-named Vidalia, the technology will provide "trustworthy data collaboration for highly sensitive business data across disparate trust domains," said Microsoft technical fellow Dave Campbell in a talk at Microsoft's Professional Developers Conference 2009 (PDC09) in Los Angeles.
From the Pirate Bay blog:
Why would you want to build a 100-strong swarm of mini robots? Well, aside from having them as your minions, you might be able to learn about "artificial self-organization," and "control in large robotic groups," which should come in useful during the inevitable robot insurrection. The swarm robot project, undertaken by the Universities of Stuttgart and Karlsruhe in Germany, aims to produce mini drones that can communicate with one another to avoid collisions, while keeping to a volume of less than three centimeters cubed
Сам я пользовался разными средствами резервного копирования, от простых, вроде стандартного backup Windows, до корпоративных. Как пользователя меня естественно подкупила "Машина времени" от Apple. Но я знаю и то, что мне в ней не нравится
(IN)SECURE Magazine is a free digital security publication discussing some of the hottest information security topics. Issue 23 has been released today.
GlobalSignhas announced a new multi-year certificate called PersonalSign that will secure email content and the identity of the email sender.
Security giant McAfee today launched a new report urging public and private sector organisations to collaborate more effectively to ensure that critical national infrastructures are able to withstand any future cyber warfare attacks.
A British court has sentenced four men to prison after they admitted they used sophisticated trojan software to steal almost £600,000 from bank accounts and send it to Eastern Europe.
ICSA Labs says that four out of five security products it tests fail to deliver the basic functionality of their design, and that 40 percent are inherently insecure. The report says more is needed in security product quality control, but will vendors hear the message before end users are filled with doubt.
Yahoo has been praised for its quick response to a flaw in a Yahoo job site that could have left visitors vulnerable to infection.
Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo may be tough competitors when it comes to Internet software and services, but they are putting their differences aside to build a developer community to tackle bigger picture problems like saving lives in emergencies.
Michael Fricklas, Viacom's general counsel, tells a group of Yale Law students that he's a huge fan of fair use, doesn't want to take down your YouTube mashup, and has no plans to start suing P2P users in federal courts—but he still loves DRM and "three strikes" laws.
Windows 7 задолго до появления первых сборок вызвала огромный интерес среди IT-специалистов и простых пользователей. И хотя архитектура, построенная на коде Vista и Win2k8, осталась, в общем, не изменной, в семерке и сопутствующих инструментах сделан ряд действительно полезных усовершенствований, которые позволят администратору получить действительно легко управляемую и безопасную систему.
The creator of the rickrolling iPhone worm has spoken of possible job offers and death threats since the release of the Jesus Phone malware last weekend.
A Turkish grad student has devised a serious, real-world attack on Twitter that targeted a recently discovered vulnerability in the secure sockets layer protocol.
Internet security experts say that misconfigured DSL and cable modems are worsening a well-known problem with the Internet's DNS (domain name system), making it easier for hackers to launch distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks against their victims.
Security vendor Sophos has warned that the website of Harry Ramsden, the UK fish and chip chain, has been hacked and is hosting a piece of malicious script.
Shaolin Temple, the world-famous birthplace of Chinese Kung Fu, was attacked by hackers twice this month, reflecting long-standing ill feeling about the temple’s aggressive commercial activities in recent years.
The Durham police website was hacked last week with messages posted protesting over terrorist-related deaths in Pakistan. A spokesperson for Durham police told BBC News that an investigation was now under way and the ‘offending matter' was being removed by computer specialists. A spokesman said: “We are aware of a problem with the force website and the offending matter is being removed. An investigation into how this occurred is under way.”
The Durham police website was hacked last week with messages posted protesting over terrorist-related deaths in Pakistan. A spokesperson for Durham police told BBC News that an investigation was now under way and the ‘offending matter' was being removed by computer specialists. A spokesman said: “We are aware of a problem with the force website and the offending matter is being removed. An investigation into how this occurred is under way.”
The Durham police website was hacked last week with messages posted protesting over terrorist-related deaths in Pakistan. A spokesperson for Durham police told BBC News that an investigation was now under way and the ‘offending matter' was being removed by computer specialists. A spokesman said: “We are aware of a problem with the force website and the offending matter is being removed. An investigation into how this occurred is under way.”
The newest questions in the minds of people is regarding who created the site The answer is supposedly- Labrat. For those who do not know yet, Hakstore is the site where all the hackers go to shop. It provides for free, those games which have to be bought from the iPhone store, namely Apple. The answer to the question is yet unknown, but sources claim that it is Labrat. Now, what or who is Labrat is yet to be clarified.
Experts have spotted a new spam attack that targets a financial transfer system handling trillions of dollars in transactions annually; it turns out it's yet another case of fake emails.
It works by nuking the verifying sppcompai.dll from orbit, and even goes so far as to decativate any reminder popups that might otherwise annoy, reminding you indefinitely to activate your copy of Windows 7.
Еще не так давно сервис Clickatel, позволяющий отправлять SMS с любого номера, казался настоящей находкой. Побаловались - и надоело. Пора сделать следующей шаг и разобраться, как с произвольного номера можно... позвонить и поговорить с человеком
Если ты желаешь значительно повысить производительность своей домашней беспроводной сети, то это несложно сделать, просто перейдя на черновой вариант стандарта 802.11n (Draft N). Благо уже можно выбирать из большого числа поддерживающих его моделей беспроводных роутеров
Да, мы уже готовимся к Windows 7, а некоторые так и вовсе уже пересели на нее. Другие – купили Мак и имеют другие проблемы, для решения которых у них есть свои инструменты. Ну а для подавляющего большинства из нас сегодняшняя программа – легкий способ избавиться от проблема в Windows XP, встречайте.
Новая версия XenServer включает множество функций, ранее доступных в платных решениях. Вот только некоторые из них – неограниченное количество серверов и виртуальных машин, динамическая балансировка нагрузки, миграция виртуальных машин (Live Motion) между физическими серверами без прерывания обслуживания при условии того, что ресурсы нескольких серверов объединены в пул
Обеспечение безопасности в условиях современных компьютерных сетей, имеющих большое количество разнородных по своему составу хостов и операционок, требует достаточно больших усилий. Уследить за всеми событиями становится все труднее
Однажды мой знакомый устраивался на работу в крупную западную корпорацию. Пройдя положенный круг собеседований, он получил отказ. Причина отказа была указана следующая: "overqualified", то есть слишком умный.
Ваш мозг состоит их нейронов, которые соединены между собой, а не из битов и байтов, как память компьютера. Поэтому информация гораздо лучше хранится к нем не в последовательности, а в сети фактов и связей между ними – и учить её, зазубривая, бесполезно.
В статье "Вскрываем SSL" мы подробно рассказали, как осуществляется перехват данных из защищенных SSL-соединений. Тулза sslstrip перехватывает запросы клиента на установление защищенного соединения и заставляет того работать по незащищенному HTTP-протоколу, предоставляя злоумышленнику возможность перехватывать логины/пароли и другие конфиденциальные данные
Вышла Windows 7 - новая операционная система, которой полагается завоевать мир за полгода. Большинство компьютеров оснастят ею еще на фабрике. Не будем описывать прелести системы - Microsoft и так с этим справится. Есть вещи поинтересней