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Good Guys Bring Down the Mega-D Botnet

For two years as a researcher with security company FireEye, Atif Mushtaq worked to keep Mega-D bot malware from infecting clients' networks. In the process, he learned how its controllers operated it. Last June, he began publishing his findings online. In November, he suddenly switched from de­­fense to offense. And Mega-D--a powerful, resilient botnet that had forced 250,000 PCs to do its bidding--went down.

Взломанный .NET

Думаешь .NET приложения сложны для взлома? Поверь, крекинг .NET-сборок ничуть не сложнее, а в целом значительно проще традиционных приложений. В ролике ты увидишь процесс решения одного из .NET CrackMe. На закуску продемонстрирована процедура снятия защиты с помощью шифрования.

DDoS attack on DNS hits Amazon and others briefly

Internet users in Northern California were unable to reach properties including Amazon.com and Amazon Web Services for a time Wednesday evening, as their DNS provider was targeted by a distributed denial-of-service attack. The attack came as North American consumers rushed to finish online shopping ahead of the end-of-year holiday season.

E-Book Piracy: The Publishing Industry`s Next Epic Saga?

As e-readers such as the Amazon Kindle continue to rise, so follows the publishing industry's worst nightmare: e-book piracy. For years e-book piracy was the exclusive province of the determined few willing to ferret out mostly nerdy textbook titles from the Internet's dark alleys and read them on their PC. But publishers say that the problem is ballooning as e-readers grow in popularity and the appetite for mainstream e-books grows.

New critical IIS flaw discovered

Security experts are warning of a highly critical new zero day vulnerability in Microsoft’s popular Internet Information Services (IIS) web server product which could allow hackers to bypass existing security measures and upload malicious code to any affected machine.

Starry Twitter: Hacking the Stephen Fry account

Watching the feeds, one’s can often face the news that another Twitter account of some Britney Spears, John McCain and others of that ilk was hacked. Typically, these hacks do not make much effort and are hacked using “brute force” (stars like to set some simple passwords). But brute force – is not our method. British comedian, "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" and "V - for Vendetta" film star, Stephen Fry, can be taken as an example

Фабрика сплоитов: учимся писать эксплоиты для Metasploit Framework

Откуда берутся сплоиты? Задумывался ли ты, каким образом тусклая новость из багтрака превращается в реально работающую отмычку? Каким образом двумя десяткам строчек кода удается получить шелл на удаленном сервере? Сегодня мы посетим фабрику сплоитов и во всех подробностях посмотрим, как изготавливается качественное изделие.

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