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Adobe`s New Privacy Feature For Flash Clashes With Online Fraud Detection

When Adobe releases Flash Player 10.1 in the next couple of months, users of the application will have clearer, easier-to-set privacy options for their browser cookies. But more user privacy comes at the expense of fraud detection processes: The upgraded software is likely to disrupt some ecommerce and online banking sites that rely on cookies as another layer to authenticate their customers.

Проникаем в Extended SMRAM или еще раз о потусторонней памяти №1

В ранее опубликованной статье "SMM и SMRAM или 128Кб потусторонней памяти. Исследовательская работа №5 и 6", был рассмотрен режим System Management Mode (SMM) и оперативная память с особым статусом - System Management RAM (SMRAM), используемая для поддержки данного режима

9 сервисов для бесплатных международных звонков

Когда мы говорим о звонках через интернет, мы обычно имеем в виду связь PC-to-PC. Звонки с помощью Skype и прочих подобных приложений. На телефоны мы звоним не так часто, а зря. Есть множество сайтов, которые позволяют бесплатно позвонить куда угодно

Windows 7 and Mac OS X `Badly Designed from a Security Standpoint`

One security researcher turned operating-system developer is claiming that Windows 7 and Mac OS X are insecure by design, while proposing her own platform as a model for the bulletproof desktop OS. While swapping rootkit research for the Qubes project, Joanna Rutkowska, founder and CEO of Invisible Things Lab, announced some changes to the company she founded, namely the shift in focus away from security research and onto designing systems that were immune to rootkit by design

Are passwords a waste of time?

I apologize up front for jumping into this debate, but I couldn't resist. Not a week goes by, or so it seems, without some newspaper, magazine or TV show (apologies to my media brethren) lambasting security and IT professionals because they force unnecessary security controls on the poor, downtrodden consumer or worker. It's as if your security requirements are designed to make everyone's life miserable with little or no benefit

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