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Vodafone distributes Mariposa botnet

Today one of our colleagues received a brand new Vodafone HTC Magic with Google’s Android OS. “Neat” she said. Vodafone distributes this phone to its userbase in some European countries and it seems affordable as you can get it for 0€ or 1€ under certain conditions.

Социальный взлом: Pen-testing популярного движка соцсети

Социальные сети внезапно стали очень популярны. Сейчас социальная сеть – это и способ пообщаться, и найти друзей, а для кого-то – заработать деньги. И нет ничего удивительного, что каждый захотел создать свою соцсеть. Как раз для этого был написан простой, удобный (и, как позже выяснилось, изобилующий уязвимостями) движок

Banks Get Double Dose Of `Black Energy`

Standard operating procedure for the identity theft industry involves performing high-volume fraudulent transactions as quickly and quietly as possible. But now researchers have found evidence of a new hacking group that takes a different approach--one that's less discreet and more destructive.

Microsoft open-sources clever U-Prove identity framework

More and more personal, private information is being used and stored online than ever before, and at the same time, attacks on that information are increasing in frequency and sophistication. Phishing is a growth industry—it's very profitable to trick people into handing over names, passwords, credit card numbers, and so on, so that their finances can be pillaged. Important activities like banking and filing tax returns are being performed, and these need strong proof of identity

Кэш для хакера: атака на кэш Windows

Привет, коллега! Сегодня мы поговорим о таком важном компоненте Windows как диспетчер кэша. Узнав теорию и попробовав практику, ты можешь свернуть горы, поверь мне. Нужно лишь знать азы отладки, а остальное освоим вместе.

BlackBerry Security: Five Tips to Keep Your Smartphone Safe

BlackBerry has gained a reputation in the mobile space during the past decade or so as the "most secure" handheld device and mobile platform available. That's largely due to RIM's BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) software for corporate e-mail deployments, which has earned high-level security certifications from some of the world's most demanding information-security organizations, including the U.S

Microsoft exec suggests Internet tax to pay for cyber security

How will we ever get a leg up on hackers who are infecting computers worldwide? Microsoft's security chief laid out several suggestions Tuesday, including a possible Internet usage tax to pay for the inspection and quarantine of machines. Today most hacked PCs run Microsoft's Windows operating system, and the company has invested millions in trying to fight the problem.

Qualys Offering Free Website Malware Scans

Qualys has announced they'll be offering free scans to help keep websites clean. By using baseline tests, Qualys can tell when a website deviates from normal operating conditions. The scans are automated, so there's no need to manually kick it off every day, and Qualysguard Malware Detection will also identify the vulnerable code so the developer can quickly remove it.

Начальник сети

Диспетчер System Center Configuration Manager 2007 является усовершенствованным вариантом Systems Management Server и призван обеспечивать в динамично изменяющихся средах возможность по управлению и полному контролю над всей IT-инфраструктурой

UVScreenCamera: программа для создания скринкастов

Скринкасты сейчас в моде. С одной стороны, лучше один раз увидеть, чем сто раз услышать или прочитать, с другой стороны, постоянно снижающиеся цены на трафик и почти безразмерное пространство на хостингах, — все это делает скринкасты доступным средством продемонстрировать что либо

Pentagon Loosens Reins over Facebook, Twitter, Web 2.0 Apps

The Department of Defense granted military personnel access to Facebook, Twitter, Google Apps and other user-generated applications in a Feb. 26 memorandum. The move followed a review that began last August after the U.S. Marines and U.S. Army released contrasting policies for social network site use. The DOD clearly is trying to strike a balance between national security and acceptable social communication and collaboration

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