Teardown puts iPhone 4 hardware cost at $187
Though hardware costs for the iPhone 4 have risen slightly, Apple is still expected to make a strong profit on the handset.
Though hardware costs for the iPhone 4 have risen slightly, Apple is still expected to make a strong profit on the handset.
The U.S. Federal Trade Commission has disrupted a long-running online scam that allowed offshore fraudsters to steal millions of dollars from U.S. consumers -- often by taking just pennies at a time.
A court in central France has convicted a young Frenchman accused of infiltrating Twitter and peeping at the account of President Barack Obama, and given him a five-month suspended prison sentence.
An insecurity study into the use of SSL certificates has revealed that it is about as effective as an English team preventing a German striker from getting a ball in the back of the net.
A clandestine network of Russian spies in the United States used private Wi-Fi networks, flash memory sticks, and text messages concealed in graphical images to exchange information, federal prosecutors said Monday.
Malware (malicious software) continues to be the No 1 threat to personal computers, according to Security Intelligence Report version 8 (SIRv8), released by Microsoft Corp.
TD Bank is encouraging its business customers to do their part in preventing fraud by being smart money managers.
A total of $465,000 was recently stolen from California-based Village View Escrow via 26 consecutive wire transfers.
Developers have plugged a critical hole in a PNG reference library used by many browsers to render graphics file.
Благодаря своей открытости, Twitter способен тесно интегрироваться со сторонними приложениями с целью обмена данными. В частности, можно выполнять экспорт твитов для их резервного копирования на случай сбоев Twitter и для навигации по ним
Сегодня мы разберемся с новейшей методикой преодоления hardware DEP и ASLR для IE8 — JIT Spray. Разработаем простой прототип эксплойта, а также свой собственный JIT-шеллкод.
A Santa Ana man was arrested Tuesday after authorities say he hacked into dozens of computers and demanded sexually explicit videos from female victims in exchange for keeping their personal information private.
South-African physicists are working on a technology called 'Quantum Cryptography' to thwart hackers from leaking out information about the FIFA World Cup.
A recently published e-book penned by the self-proclaimed “world's No. 1 hacker” is rocking the security community with back-and-forth allegations of plagiarism, racism, and even threats against a security podcaster and his family.
The community-driven Fedora 13 Linux distribution has been reviewed by eWEEK, which was highly impressed with its cutting-edge enterprise features. The review praises Fedora security and permissions features such as the AccountsDialog user management utility, and it also likes the new command line interface for NetworkManager.
To clarify from the start, this isn’t a release of any sort but rather news on an upcoming release. Although we’ve heard a lot about jailbreaking from several different hackers, Geohot has been rather quiet. This doesn’t mean that he isn’t working on anything. George Hotz (Geohot) has currently been in France for the Nuit Du Hack conference. An event started in 2003 by Hackerz Voice team, and inspired by world famous DEF CON, “Nuit Du Hack” is one of the oldest French underground hacking conferences to date.
With corporate budgets still reeling from the economic downturn of 2008 and 2009, a senior analyst at the research firm Gartner is urging IT managers to take a shrewder posture on information security, leveraging free or lower-cost solutions to shore up data systems without breaking the bank.
Reports are coming in of a systematic hack of Twitter accounts – apparently owned by Israeli internet users – by Turkish hackers.
Вы бы хотели одним прыжком перелетать через автомобили, замечать врагов на расстоянии нескольких километров и сгибать руками стальные балки? Надо полагать, что да, но, увы, это нереально. Пока нереально...
Казуальная игра — компьютерная игра, предназначенная для широкого круга пользователей. Сам термин "казуальная" происходит от латинского слова "casualis", что означает "случайный". Таким образом, казуальная игра — это игра, в которую играют от случая к случаю, между делом, чаще всего, чтобы как-то убить время
В прошлой статье я кратко познакомил тебя с архитектурой AMD-V. В этой мы продолжим разбираться с нелегкой темой. Я намерено упустил множество важных деталей относительно механизма работы гипервизора, дабы с первого раза не перегружать твой мозг большими объемами информации
Many Turkish Internet users are very unhappy with the growing level of censorship online, particularly when it comes to the blocking of Google services. Earlier this month, services such as Google Translate, Google Docs and Google Books became inaccessible in Turkey following a request that Turkish ISPs block access to IP addresses associated with YouTube.
Microsoft has teamed up with the National Cyber-Forensics and Training Alliance (NCFTA), with the support of Accuity, the American Bankers Association, Anti-Phishing Working Group, Citizens Bank, eBay, Federal Trade Commission, National Consumers League and PayPal, to launch a new programme that is designed to help mitigate potential losses due to online fraud and account compromise.
A 21-year-old hacker was banged up yesterday for frauds netting him a Porsche, £40,000 in cash and £30,000 in gold bullion.
Google has introduced a command line utility for accessing various Chocolate Factory services, including YouTube, Blogger, Google Docs, Calender, and Contacts. And an army of text-interface obsessives have responded with glee.
Local internet service provider (ISP) Druknet is currently recovering, after 50 of its websites were hacked early yesterday.
Ex-hacker and alleged "war crimes collaborator" Adrian Lamo has garnered a great deal of attention lately from his role in outing Wikileaks leaker Bradley Manning, a young U.S. Military official who was leaking sensitive documents, including some which Lamo believed endangered national security.
Security vendor Trend Micro has warned of a new botnet doing the rounds in Belgium, which was being used to steal the log-in credentials of online share trading platforms in order to manipulate stock prices.
Те, кто часто пишет тексты уже давно перешли в онлайн. Текстовые процессоры, с которыми можно работать в браузере имеют очевидные преимущества: бесплатность (если только не говорить о детище Microsoft), скорость работы, постоянный бекап, доступ отовсюду
Cops across Europe, the US and Australia have collared 178 people in an operation to smash an international fake credit card production network turning over more than £17m.
The recent AT&T data leak underscores the need for iPad security precautions. A few simple steps can help protect confidential data.
The Google trends are once again a mix of hot trends, including the Gulf Oil Spill, Michael Jackson, Miley Cyrus, Microsoft and Microsoft Kinect.
Senior US law enforcement officials have objected to AOL's pending sale of instant-messaging service ICQ to a Russian investment firm. Investigators at federal agencies charged with scrutinising cybercrime are concerned about the USD 187.5 million acquisition of ICQ by Moscow-based Digital Sky Technologies, the Financial Times writes. ICQ is the leading instant messaging service in Russia, Germany and the Czech Republic and, according to law enforcement investigators, is one of the main avenues of communication for criminal groups in eastern Europe, some of whom never meet in person.
The vulnerability of information stored on a computer hard drive has been recognized as a security risk for some time, but did you know that digital photocopiers and high-end laser printers also include a hard drive which can store and log all of your activity? Today’s copiers and printers harvest images of every scanned, faxed and printed document.
При правильном подходе к распределению трудоемкой задачи между имеющимися вычислительными мощностями экономятся время (деньги), ресурсы, а для кого-то и нервные клетки. Именно для этого предназначена система распределенных вычислений, созданием и организацией которой мы займемся в этой статье.
Все мы так или иначе стремимся жить счастливо. У кого-то это планы на краткосрочный период, кто-то задается целью прожить счастливо всю жизнь, а кто-то просто живет и наслаждается. Простого рецепта счастья, который бы подошел для всех пока, к сожалению, не существует
Facebook has been hit by another scam that exploits the social network's 'Like' button, reports security firm Sophos.
Google Wave is a highly anticipated collaboration tool that is still on the horizon. What kind of security options is Google working on for its Wave protocol in 2010? Have some of the big security holes present in the September 2009 protocol release been addressed?
A recent survey conducted by Tufin Technologies, a provider of firewall management software, finds that of the 242 IT professionals working at companies with over 1,000 employees, 30 percent said they audited their firewall security only once in every five plus years. So when those systems are ultimately compromised, and then used to harm systems elsewhere, who should be liable? Obviously, the perpetrator of the crime is primarily responsible
Indian security agencies have tracked a server in Pakistan that was used to hack the computer of an Indian Army major based in the Andamans who is being questioned by the National Investigation Agency (NIA).