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Yearly Archives: 2009

Police website hit by SQL injection as commentators claim it is due to budget-restricted web development

The Durham police website was hacked last week with messages posted protesting over terrorist-related deaths in Pakistan. A spokesperson for Durham police told BBC News that an investigation was now under way and the ‘offending matter' was being removed by computer specialists. A spokesman said: “We are aware of a problem with the force website and the offending matter is being removed. An investigation into how this occurred is under way.”

Police website hit by SQL injection as commentators claim it is due to budget-restricted web development

The Durham police website was hacked last week with messages posted protesting over terrorist-related deaths in Pakistan. A spokesperson for Durham police told BBC News that an investigation was now under way and the ‘offending matter' was being removed by computer specialists. A spokesman said: “We are aware of a problem with the force website and the offending matter is being removed. An investigation into how this occurred is under way.”

Police website hit by SQL injection as commentators claim it is due to budget-restricted web development

The Durham police website was hacked last week with messages posted protesting over terrorist-related deaths in Pakistan. A spokesperson for Durham police told BBC News that an investigation was now under way and the ‘offending matter' was being removed by computer specialists. A spokesman said: “We are aware of a problem with the force website and the offending matter is being removed. An investigation into how this occurred is under way.”

Admin Of Hakstore Under Investigation

The newest questions in the minds of people is regarding who created the site Hakstore.com. The answer is supposedly- Labrat. For those who do not know yet, Hakstore is the site where all the hackers go to shop. It provides for free, those games which have to be bought from the iPhone store, namely Apple. The answer to the question is yet unknown, but sources claim that it is Labrat. Now, what or who is Labrat is yet to be clarified.

Телефонные шалости: хакерский подход к IP-телефонии

Еще не так давно сервис Clickatel, позволяющий отправлять SMS с любого номера, казался настоящей находкой. Побаловались - и надоело. Пора сделать следующей шаг и разобраться, как с произвольного номера можно... позвонить и поговорить с человеком

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